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Maine, United States
Keen’s artwork has been shown in regional, national and international exhibitions. He has received grants from the Maine Arts Commission, University of Rhode Island Visual Art Sea Grant, and Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation. His work was in the United States "Art in Embassies Program" and he has been a visiting artist at various educational institutions. Curators and critics who have selected his work include: Tracey Bashkoff, Associate Curator of Collections and Exhibitions at the Guggenheim Museum selected his work for the “Encaustic Works 2003 Biennial” at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY. Lisa Dennison, Director and Chief Curator at the Guggenheim Museum chose his work for the 2002 Cambridge Art Association's “National Prize Show” in Cambridge, MA. Other prominent jurors who have selected his artwork include: Phyllis Braff, Critic for the New York Times, Anne Rocheleau, Director of the Rhode Island Foundation Gallery, Moira Kelly, prior Director of Air Gallery in London, and Bruce Brown, Curator Emeritus of the Center for Maine Contemporary Art. Represented by Elizabeth Moss Gallery, Cynthia Winings Gallery and Simon Gallery.


Bicoastal Diptych Project

This painting is the result of a collaboration bewteen myself and Inanna McGraw a West Coast artist. The project was started by an oraganization called New England Wax and the International Encaustic Association. The artists were paired by the scale in which they usually work and nothing else. Each artist began a diptych, then shipped it to their partner to finish. Two exhibitions this Spring will begin a traveling exhibition schedule for the work. An exhibition to show diptychs finished by New England Wax members will be held at Whitney Art Works in Portland, Maine April 2-26. A second during the same month to show the diptychs which were finished by International Encaustic Association members will be held at Brian Marki Gallery in Portland, OR.
Please note: Left half completed by Inanna McGraw, Right half by Richard Keen.